Finally Free 4 Him

The place to pursue the pathway to true spiritual wholeness through the absolute truths of the Word of God as applied in practical terms.

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What's Missing?

Yesterday we took a look at medications of choice. We readily acknowledge that we use them to soothe emotional pain. Today we go one step further.

Today we ask, what's missing? This drives us to the root of the emotional issue that has pushed us to false medications. When we find this root we can truly heal. We also no longer need those false medications for the troubled soul.

What I would challenge you to do is to seek the Lord for the answer to the question. In today's "find-somebody-to-blame" culture, we need God's help to sort out truth from fiction. Rest in Him for the answer to the "what's missing?" question. He loves you. He wants you to be whole. He will answer the question. We'll chat more about what to do with His answer at another time...


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